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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

School Opening update

Before we update you on our plans can we firstly thank you for your time and energy during this difficult period. We know that everyone has been under different levels of stress and that some may have lost family and friends to Covid-19. We of course send you our sincere thoughts and wishes.


You may be wondering whether to send your child back to school or not. You are not alone and whatever you decide will be right for you and your family. We will still support you to the best of our ability either way. School will only open when we know it is safe for us and therefore safe for you and your children. 


We intend to open from the 29th June to some children and will be in touch by Wednesday 24th June to confirm which days your child can attend. School will look different and the way in to school will change with a queuing system (as at supermarkets) to the drop off area. We are looking at full days (if we are allowed to bring in nursery then all children will move to mornings only) with your child bringing a packed lunch and daytime snack on their set day. Families are being kept to the same day. school will start at 8:30am and finish at 2:45pm. There will be no more than 10 children in a class with 2 or 3 adults. Most classes will be less than 8 children per day. They will have their own desk and chair with their own learning resources and will be set away from the other children in class. They will wash their hands often and will be kept 2 metres apart, even when outside. They will bring home learning packs with paper based and digital based learning to do whilst not in school and bring these back on the following week. If you have borrowed a chromebook, you can bring this with you to help learning.


Our school is almost ready to open thanks to the hard work of school staff - cleaners, office staff, teaching assistants, caretakers, teachers and governors. We just need Cardiff Council to provide the cleaning and hygiene equipment.


When we know that we can definitely open we will be in touch with you and will post a more detailed plan for you to see how we are keeping you safe whilst trying to catch up with you and your family who we have missed very much.


Take care and please encourage all parents to access this information- spread the word!


See you soon hopefully,


Nic Naish


