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Year 1 2015-2016
Summer Term 2016
Tymor yr Haf 2016
Our topics this term are:
Under the sea
The Olympics
We have been...
studying octopuses (octopi?) ??

- learning about food chains
- estimating and measuring the capacity of containers

- learning about floating and sinking

- working as a team to make an irrigation channel
- identifying sea creatures

- creating and playing in our amazing underwater grotto

- making abstract art using paints or computer programs
- learning about some of the Olympic events
- learning to use different measures for different events
- finding out about some of the countries that enter the Olympics, and using atlases to find them

- inventing new Olympic events! - like table archery

- timing ourselves doing different activities
- making flags
- visiting Coconuts and Barry Island!

- and lots of other things...

Spring 2016
Our topics this Term were...
Planes, trains and automobiles
Now and Then
We were...
- learning what makes a fair or unfair scientific test

- finding out how cars and other vehicles have changed through time
- maintaining Mr Evans's car - hopefully it won't fall to bits!

- studying the pop art of Roy Lichtenstein and using some of his techniques to produce our own work

- using transport-based data to answer questions
- making a car out of wooden parts and junk
- learning words and phrases for transport in Welsh
- deciding which form of transport is most suitable for different journeys
- doing all sorts of writing based on transport
- learning about the force of gravity and about pushes and pulls
- learning about past, present and future
- studying artefacts from the past

- learning how houses have changed over the course of time

- learning how WE have changed over the course of time!
- and lots of other things...

Autumn 2 2015
Our topic this Half Term was...
All about me
We were...
Our topic this Half Term was...
All about me
We were...
- learning the names of some of the main organs of the body

- finding out what makes a healthy, balanced diet
- remembering to brush our teeth after lunch every day, and finding out what can happen if we don't look after our teeth!
- learning the names of the different parts of the eye and making graphs and pictograms about eye colour in our class
- learning how to express likes and dislikes in Welsh, and how to describe eye and hair colour - and learning some of the Welsh words for clothes and body parts
- finding out about the different countries and places in our family backgrounds
- finding out what happens to our bodies when we exercise, and why it is good for us
- planting spring bulbs and preparing our raised vegetable beds for the spring

- finding out why we celebrate Bonfire Night and why we wear poppies on Remembrance Sunday
- creating a name and wrapper for a new chocolate bar
- learning about 3D shapes, graphs, adding and subtracting, position, coins and estimating

- writing stories, making information posters, using 'describing' words - and learning our weekly spellings

- making things for Children in Need day

making our craft items ready for Christmas and rehearsing our concert - not long now!

- planting our winter garlic

Autumn 1 2015
Our topic this Half Term was...
Out and about
We were...
Our topic this Half Term was...
Out and about
We were...
- picking blackberries from around the school grounds and making blackberry pie

digging up the potatoes we planted in the spring and making chips - yummy!

- doing a traffic survey of the cars on Greenway Road

- looking for signs of autumn; and learning the names of the seasons and how they are different
- learning the different ways that seeds get about
- ordering and planting bulbs ready for the spring
- learning the names of some plants that grow wild in the school grounds
- picking fruit from our orchard for snack time
- designing and drawing cartoon fruit and vegetables
- learning to describe the weather in Welsh
- getting ready for harvest and learning our Harvest Assembly song
- using oil pastels to draw autumn plants, seeds and fruits

- digging over our vegetable patch and putting down compost to enrich the soil
- having lessons with Fran from Upbeat Music

- and lots of other things...!