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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

Spring 2015

Our topic in Half Term 4 was

We were...


  • finding Wales, Italy and other countries on a map of Europe
  • looking at the Mona Lisa - and painting our own!
  • making and selling ice cream
  • learning about fractions and pictograms through making pizzas
  • estimating distances between places on a map of Italy
  • learning about volcanoes like Mount Etna
  • learning some phrases in Italian
  • building our own leaning towers using different building materials
  • using our role-play pizzeria



sorting famous landmarks into those found in Italy and those found elsewhere

  • looking at gondolas in Venice and building our own boats



and lots of other things...

Spring Term 2015
Tymor y Gwanwyn 2015

Our topic in Half Term 3 was
Planes, trains and automobiles

We were...
  • making a moving vehicle
  • finding out the difference between a fair and an unfair test in science
  • thinking about different methods of transport
  • carrying out maintenance on Mr Evans's car!
  • learning about gravity
  • drawing cars using the Purple Mash website
  • making a net of a vehicle on the computer, printing it and making it
  • writing about what aliens from different environments might look like
  • writing sentences about journeys in Welsh
  • learning about different countries and how to get there
  • using 'comparing' words to describe different vehicles
  • and lots of other things...