Spring Term 2019
Power of People
This term we will be carrying on with our new contexts as part of the new Welsh Curriculum. Our context for the Spring term is 'Power of People'. We will be learning about people from both the past and present and discussing the 'power' they have to make important decisions about how we live and the rules we have to follow. We will be going on two trips to The Senedd, first to find out about the building and why it is so important to the people of Wales and then we will be going to learn about the powers of the Welsh government and to learn how to debate. We will be linking all other areas of the curriculum to this context which will develop children's understanding of the context and provide enjoyable learning experiences.
In literacy this term we will be focusing on a range of books to allow the children develop their writing skills with different style texts and stories. The children will continue to read a range of texts through Guided Group reading sessions as well as taking books home each week as part of their homework. Please encourage your child to read at home.
During this term there will also be lessons the help progress the children's spelling. There will also be words sent home weekly in their homework books, please support the children with this and encourage them to complete it.
This term the children will be learning maths through their context and different building blocks challenges. Also this term, there will be a large emphasis on developing 'Big Maths' where children will be working on their C.L.I.C challenges and their timetables. The children will be learning these during their lessons and encouraged to learn them at home.
On the 19th, 20th and 21st of February we are very lucky and have the fantastic music and performance company UPBEAT in with us. The children will be taking part in lots of different activities including gamelan, shadow puppets and dance with a performance following on the afternoon of Thursday 20th.
Parents can join us from 2pm ready for a 2.15pm performance!!
Swimming Lessons
During the week beginning 1st April and 8th April the class will be attending swimming lessons at Cardiff International Pool.
Please can you ensure that the children bring their swimming costume and a towel everyday. They can also bring their goggles if they own them and £1 to use for the lockers.