Year 6 - Blwyddyn 6
Welcome to Year 6
Croeso i Flwyddyn 6!
Teacher: Mr Parker
Teaching Assistant: Mr Davies
PPA: Mrs Anderson

FRUIT / Ffrwyth
Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack for 30p. The Year 6 children wash and sell the fruit and count our earnings. We use any profit to buy some special extras for the children in their lessons.
We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are
encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.
PE Ymarfer Corff
Tuesday - outdoor & Friday - indoor
We have Upbeat Dance for the first six weeks of the term so can children please wear joggers/leggings and t-shirt. Following this PE will be outdoors so can children please wear warmer clothes with the Winter coming. As the session is towards the end of the day, they can wear their kit home rather than changing back into their uniform.
World at War
This term we have been learning about the world at war. Using pupil voice we have decided to learn about;
What it takes to start a world war?
What life was like in the trenches?
What soldiers would send home?
How wars end?
Why did Russia invade Ukraine?
And lots more. Come and have a look at some of the things we have created
Pupil Voice
We have used JamBoard on Google Classroom to collaboratively decide what we want to learn about this term.
Empowering Circles

We have been taking part in Empowering Circles and following Covid remembering to talk and debate events and ideas as a group.
Letters from the Front

We looked at the National Archive website to look at letters that have been sent from soldiers on the front line to inspire us to write our own letters home. We found out some amazing things and how sad these were.
While most of Year 6 went camping those who stayed behind did a range of
activities, including making ice cream and meringues, doing Lego challenges, making pancakes, and doing a wild flower hunt around the school grounds.
Skate Club smashed it on their trip to the Knap in Barry despite it being one of the hottest days of the year. They applied all the skills they have been learning in school since September to real-life situations. Great job!