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Autumn Term 2017
Welcome to Year 1! Croeso i Flwyddyn 1!
Teacher/Athro: Mr Evans
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pym, Miss Fitzgerald, Mrs Ryall
PPA (alternate Fridays): Mr Beynon
Autumn 1 2017
Our topic this Half Term is
Out and about
We are...
- gathering blackberries and making blackberry sorbet
- digging up the potatoes we planted in the spring and making chips
- using a website to order bulbs, then planting them in our flower bed
- picking and sampling fruit from our orchard
- going on a minibeast hunt
- making wax crayon rubbings around the school grounds for others to identify
- making a traffic survey of car colours on Greenway Road and recording our findings in graphs and tables
- looking for signs that autumn is on its way
- making a big autumn-leaf painting
- learning about seed dispersal
- learning the proper names for adult and baby animals
- using our Chinese takeaway role play area
- and lots of other things!
Autumn 2 2017
Our topic this half term is
All about me
We wil be...
- creating and using our role play opticians
- using descriptions of ourselves in our writing
- making graphs and surveys of our favourite things
- using zero and minus numbers in our work on temperature
- weighing ourselves in kg and measuring our height in cm
- using Purple Mash to draw ourselves, and printing the image
- learning to describe how we feel in Welsh
- learning the names and functions of some of the main organs of the body
- learning what we need to do to keep fit, healthy and well
- getting ready for Christmas
- and lots of other things...!