Year 4 - Blwyddyn 4
Teaching children about their emotions and how to manage them will help them through tough situations and handle them in a calm, purposeful way. This will help them manage their mental health and emotional well-being during this challenging period.
The important message is that is OK to not be OK!
1. Read/listen to 'The colour monster' by Anna Llenas -
2. Make a ‘feelings’ graffiti board - On a piece of paper, jot down all of the words you can think of to describe feelings and emotions.
Practice a bit of Welsh using 'hoffi' (to like)
This is Brad the Beagle
This activity is linked to the Home-learning pack you picked up from school ‘The Beagle’
Every year Dogs Trust cares for over 16,000 dogs in Re-homing Centres across the country. Dogs are abandoned for many reasons. Many dog owners are unsure of the needs of their dog,
Watch the Dog’s Trust Film Chew’s a dog.
Things to think about
- Can I afford to have a dog? The cost of purchasing the dog and the on-going expenses such as food, vets fees and insurance?
(The average medium sized dog costs £25 a week.)
- Can I make a lifelong commitment to a dog?
- Is my home big enough and odes it have a garden?
- Do I really want to exercise a dog every day?
- Will there be someone at home for a dog? Dogs get lonely just like humans.
- Will I find time to care for a dog?
Affectionate, full of beans and loves food, toys and human company equally - he just loves everything!
Cute, he loves to be pampered but, he will need a lot of training in multiple areas.,
Type of home needed
Seeks a loving home-can live with children aged 8 years and older
Needs help with housetraining as he can be rather bouncy!
Needs to attend dog socials as he may be able to live with other dogs
Alex will be a project for his new family, but will absolutely be worth the time and patience He is a very bright boy so with patience (and FOOD!), he should catch things fairly quickly. Brad struggles to settle, and will need a family who can dedicate LOTS of time and understanding to this beautiful but lively dog.
Using this Dog's Trust dog, design an advert for the case study dog, Brad to re-homed.
This activity is all about staying safe online. Try to encourage your child to tell you if they come across anything online that makes them feel worried, scared or sad.
Click on the link from Thinkuknow (online safety education programme) Watch Episode 1: Block Him Right Good, Alfie at·Activity 1: Alfie’s videos
Points for discussion:
Any missed steps (Steps: 1. profile picture is an avatar, not an actual photo 2. username does not feature his name. 3. Privacy set to friends only. 4. Wears clothes that are not school uniform or private, like pyjamas.)
Activities for you to do:
Write down four steps Alfie has taken to make sure that he is safe when he is making videos and posting them online.
Who wrote a mean comment about Alfie?
Who ‘liked’ the comment?
Why wasn’t this a kind thing to do?
What positive words could Ellie, Alfie and Sam use to describe each other?
Draw a circle for each character and put inside positive words to describe them
Research Activity
This friday we are celebrating VE Day-Victory Day in Europe following World War 11. Watch the clips and read the information to make a Fact-file. You may present it how you wish; using bullet points, paragraphs or pictures and diagrams. If you find any other pictures or photos, please add them but don't forget to say what it is.
Survival Pack
3D Shapes-Try the worksheet to see how much you can remember.
Maths learning/Dysgu Mathemateg
Big Maths - Use the power point to practice your fact-families. You can use your green book instead of a white board for the answers.
- Tymor Y Gwanwyn-Spring Term
- Welcome to Year 4!
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4!
Teacher/Athrowes: Mrs Anderson
Mr Gallop joins us every other week
Teaching Assistants: Miss Elson & Mr Davies
Fruit snack-30p day
Please bring your PE kit on Tuesdays and Fridays
Reading books & homework, including new spelling words, go home Monday to be returned the following Monday
Spelling tests are every Monday.
Big Maths Beat That and Learn Its test are every Thursday/Friday
Our context is /Ein cyd-destyn ydy
'Celts vs Romans'
Y Celtaidd yn erbyn Y Rhufeinig
We will be travelling back in time to find out what life was like in Britain and particularly, Wales, during the time of the Celts and Romans.
The children have written down everything that they want to know about it-we'll do our best to cover it all!
Here are some of their questions:
Where did they come from?
Where did they live?
When did they come to Britain?
What did they use to fight?
What did they eat?
Did they have schools?
What other things did they do?
We shall be visiting the Caerleon Roman Museum. (Details to follow)
We shall link our context into all other subjects to make it more enjoyable.
We will be reading a selection of short stories, novels and 'Big' books. Some of our books will be read just because they are wonderful stories. We have tried to link other books to our topic such as, Poems Around the World, Dear Greenpeace, From a Railway Carriage and The Day the Crayons Quit.
As well as reading as a class, the children have their own reading books and will bring a book home each week. Please encourage your child to read at home whenever they can READING IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS and will help them in all the other subjects, including maths.
We will cover lots of topics such as:
The 4 Rules ( adding & subtracting using money/ dividing using the bus stop method & multiplication using the grid method) 2D & 3D shape plus looking at symmetry, Perimeter, area & volume
The children will continue to do Big Maths, CLIC, every day and use a variety of resources to help them with their learning, such as Abacus, Kangaroo Maths and N.Rich.
After half term, we shall be doing the 'Tables Challenge' where the children work their way through the Times Tables, learning them off-by-heart. This will help them as they approach their Reasoning activities.
- Tymor Y Hydref-Autumn Term
- Welcome to Year 4!
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4!
Teacher: Mrs Anderson & Mr Gallop
Teaching Assistants: Miss Elson & Mr Davies
Fruit snack-30p day
Please bring your PE kit on Tuesdays
Reading books & homework go home Monday and should be returned Friday
Spelling tests are every Monday and new spelling words go home on Monday
Big Maths Beat That and a Learn Its test are every Thursday or Friday
This term our topic is
'What a Wonderful World'
The children have written down everything that they want to know about it-we'll do our best to cover it all!
Here are some of their questions:
What is in the centre of the earth?
Why is Cardiff the capital city of Wales?
Why do we speak Welsh?
What other places are there in Wales?
What other places are near us?
What places are there to see in Cardiff?
How far is it to walk to the shops in the village? Are there any new shops?
Can we do a 'litter pick' How can we stop people dropping litter?
We will be looking at some wonderful stories. One of our children wants to learn more about dragons so we shall be studying 'The Dragon Ring' which was written by Liz Haigh-she used to be a teacher in Greenway!
We’ve had a lot of rain lately so we will be looking at ‘Rain’ poetry, diaries, report writing, creative story writing and recipes.
We shall remind ourselves about:
The 4 Rules (adding & subtracting using money/ dividing using the bus stop method & multiplication)
Co ordinates-using a map
Measuring-the school, the playground and the distance between our school and local amenities.
2D & 3D shape plus looking at symmetry
Perimeter, area & volume
We shall be doing lots of reasoning activities to make us think and to try out new methods.
We will be carrying out investigations on water and ice, including an igloo problem to solve.