Every session every child has a healthy snack. We ask for a contribution of £1.50 to cover the cost.
PE/ Ymarfer Corff
We have PE on a Wednesday. Please could your child wear shoes that they can take on and off for these sessions. No PE kit is required.
Our Topic this Summer Term is...
If You Go down To The Woods Today
We have been busy looking at mini beasts in the Nursery garden.
During this Topic we will be learning about-
life cycle of minibeasts
sorting, comparing and measuring
reciting numbers forwards and backwards within 10
naming 2D and 3D shapes
begin to learn phonics
welsh commands and responses.
Here are some of the books and songs we have been looking at so far.
Walking In The Forest | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs
Get the Super Simple App! ► http://bit.ly/TheSuperSimpleAppLet's take a walk in the forest! Sing along with this sequel to the popular Super Simple Song, "W...
What the Ladybird Heard - Story Read Aloud
Take a Look Books! Books for use in Primary Schools.The first of Julia Donaldson's amazing ladybird stories. Two naughty robbers, Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh, m...
The Very Lazy Ladybird - Give Us A Story!
Meet a very lazy ladybird who just refuses to fly.She tries to sleep on several different animals, but none of them are quite right.Will she ever learn to fl...
Backing Tracks and chord sheets visit: www.singsongalong.comSing about Creepy Crawlies!Bug song for Key Stage 1.For the Backing Tracks and chord sheets visit...
The ants go marching one by one song | Ants at war
Ants go marching is a popular song loved by all kids. Here are the lyrics :The ants go marching One by oneHurrah.. hurrah..the ants go marching one by onethe...
We have been investigating big and small.
We looked in the garden and found sticks, we then sorted them into big and small.
We love reading Welsh Books.
We love building with Duplo.
We searched for long and short worms in the mud. It was fun!
Our Topic this term is
Once Upon a Time
We will be learning all about Nursery Rhymes.
This Term we will be learning to:-
Sing Nursery rhymes
Talk about our favourite songs
Hold our pens correctly
Draw simple shapes
learn to recognise our name
Count up to 5/10/20
Recognise numbers to 10.
Recognise 2D shapes
Explore 3D shapes
To share with our friends
Explore where animals live
As well as all the children will be using their Pupil Voice to tell us what they would like to learn.
A big welcome to all of our new children. It is lovely having you in our nursery and we are all looking forward to having lots of fun!
These are the Nursery Rhymes we will be learning about.
Old MacDonald had a Farm
Old MacDonald Had a Farm * Nursery Rhymes Song with Lyrics * Animated Cartoon for Kids
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Humpty Dumpty
Incy Wincy spider
Three Blind Mice
Next week is half term. Here are some songs and Nursery Rhymes we will be learning. Why not have look and learn one Rhyme for when we come back.
Enjoy your half term.
Jack and Jill | Early years - nursery rhymes | BBC Teach
We have been learning about the numbers 1,2,and 3 this half term. Use the links to help you learn more numbers.
Counting 1-10 Song | Number Songs for Children | The Singing Walrus
This is a call and response song you can join in with.
Number 4
Learn all about the number 4.
Number 5
Learn about the number 5
We celebrated St David’s day. We dressed up, sang Welsh songs and made love spoons.
We celebrated pancake day. We had fun making them, we also tried a lemon some of us liked it an some of us didn’t.
We did spider counting.
This term our topic is called
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Celebration!'
We asked the children what they would like to find out. They gave us lots of ideas about what they wanted to explore - stars, sky, space, rockets, day and night.
Here are some books and rhymes we will be looking at.
Five little men in a flying saucer | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes
Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme 'Five little men in a flying saucer'.Subscribe for more Early Year...
Goodnight Moon - Narrated by Susan Sarandon
Goodnight MoonBy Margaret Wise BrownPublished in 1947In the great green roomThere was a telephoneAnd a red balloonAnd a picture ofThecow jumping over the moo...
Happy Birthday Moon Ultra Kids Games
Happy Birthday Moonhttps://bit.ly/2TrO3oq
Peace at Last
Peace at Last by Jill Murphy, brought to life by Simple Stories!Please visit our;Website - http://www.simplestories.netFacebook - http://www.facebook.com/pag...
We have been counting aliens and putting them in the spaceship.
We had fun making our own spaceships
We made our own aliens to go in our spaceship
OH NO! Mr bear has fallen apart. Can we fix him?
We have been reading the story Meg and Mog.
Meg and Mog - Full Episodes new Enghlish 2015
Meg and Mog - full Episodes 2015
We helped Meg make a potion to travel to the moon.
Meg and Mog tried space food.
NASA sent us some vegetable space soup.
We made our own vegetable soup. We cut fresh vegetables, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, swede and leeks. It was lovely!
We chopped up our vegetables and made printing pictures.
We have UpBeat every Tuesday and Thursday with Bridget. We are learning to play different instruments, and learn new fun songs.
We went outside to collect leaves and sticks to make our own leaf man pictures
Afternoon nursery went on a walk to take pictures of things that they could see around the school
We have been sorting food into different groups.
We enjoyed making our own apple pies today with Mrs Evans.
We looked at pumpkins and what they look like inside. We then dried pumpkin seeds and counted them.
OH NO! We haven’t got a bonfire, can you make a new one before November 5th
We made our own sparklers to eat, they were yummy!
OH NO! The stars have fallen apart. Can you help fix them?
We’ve had a really busy week. A special visitor came to visit us and we had our Christmas Party.
Santa came to visit
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