Year 6 - Blwyddyn 6
Welcome to Year 6
Croeso i Flwyddyn 6!
Teacher: Mr Parker
Teaching Assistant: Mr Channon
PPA: Mrs Herring-Jones
FRUIT / Ffrwyth
Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack for 30p. The Year 6 children wash and sell the fruit and count our earnings. We use any profit to buy some special extras for the children in their lessons.
We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are
encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.
PE Ymarfer Corff
Friday– indoor/outdoors
We have Upbeat Dance for the first six weeks of the term so can children please wear joggers/leggings and t-shirt. Following this PE will be outdoors so can children please wear warmer clothes with the Winter coming. As the session is towards the end of the day, they can wear their kit home rather than changing back into their uniform.
‘Fun Fitness & well being’
We will do this every morning. The children will get fit and feel good in a fun way!
Skate Club trip to The Knap and Llandaff Fields
Well done, team!
May The Force Be With You
For our final term we are learning about Forces and all these things around us which cause things to happen. We also know that the title of this context is from Star Wars and we want to look at films as well!
Pupil Voice
We used Jamboard on HWB and collaboratively created our Pupil Voice ideas. We discussed ideas as a group and added what we wanted. We can't wait to try some of these out when on a mission.
Ein Treftadaeth
This term we will be travelling back in time to look at where many of the things we take for granted originate from! Going to school, inventions, children's rights all stem from the 19th Century.
After spending a week learning little bits about the era we decided bit we wanted to learn about during taking part in our missions.
Victorian School Day
We spent the morning in a Victorian classroom, how horrible!
We had to write on chalk boards, sit in a boring dark classroom, take part in drill and if we were naughty we risked having the cane!
Girls sat at the back, wearing a dunce hat and having to put on a Welsh not if we said anything in Welsh! We're glad we come to school now.
Victorian PowerPoint
We used our IT skills to create a Victorian PowerPoint and creating an interactive timeline to show the key dates.
To Infinity and Beyond!
I anfeidredd a thu hwnt!
This term out context is 'To Infinity and Beyond!'
We have talked about the context and the class have made some fantastic ideas of what they would like to learn about. We are going to start travelling through space learning about the planets in our Solar System before crash landing back on Earth to learn about the many things which are affecting our planet and what we can do to help the future of our planet.
We have had our first opportunities to complete some missions and completed work in our Communication Station, Calculation Station, Creation Station and Investigation Station. We have planned an art project, tweeted an astronaut, worked out how long it takes for light to reach Earth and travelled to distant worlds on our VR Goggles.
Upbeat Dance
This half term we are lucky to be working with Charlie from Upbeat as she's working with Year 6 to create a space dance. Can't wait to share the final show!