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GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

School Council

School Council 2024-25

Your representatives are:

Year 6: Ada and Harrison

Year 5: Rowan and Rosalie

Year 4: Cassius and Aya

Year 3: Adanna- Love and Saint

Year 2: Lacey and Waltey


The Rights of the Month are: 

September: Article 42- Everyone should know about the UNCRC.

October: Article 28- I have the right to an education.

November: Article 2- All children have these rights no matter their differences.

December: Article 14- I have the right to have my own thoughts and beliefs and to choose my religion, with the help from my parents. 

January: Article 4- Governments must protect and respect my rights.

February: Article 13- I have the right to get information and share my views. 

March: Article 12- I have the right to be listened to and taken seriously. 

April: Article 23- If I am disabled, I have the right to special care and education.

May: Article 20- I have the right to be looked after if I can't live with my own family.

June: Article 5- My family should help me know and use my own rights.

July: Article 27- I have the right to a proper home, food and clothes. 



School Council 2022-23

Your School Council Representatives are:

Year 6: Libby and Riley

Year 5: Brooklyn and Kayden

Year 4: Oliver and Freya

Year 3: Ellis and Jenny

Year 2: Seren and Lincoln



Chair: Kayden

Vice Chair: Libby

Secretary: Riley


Right of the Month

A new Right of the Month will be announced during the Rights assembly which take place on the first Monday of every month. 


September's Right of the Month:

Article 42- Everyone should know about the UNCRC.

All classes have started the year with a class charter and have had great discussions about children's rights. A brilliant start to the year. 


October's Right of the Month:

Article 3: Adults must do what's best for me.

The empowerment circle discussion about this right have been so interesting. Great work Greenway!

School Council 2021- 2022

Greenway Primary School are proud to introduce their school council representatives: 


Year 6- Mia and Saros

Year 5- Isatu and Colby- Ray

Year 4- Joel and Deborah

Year 3- Poppy and Leo

Year 2- Arjan and Faye


School Council roles:

Chair- Mia

Vice Chair- Saros

Secretary- Isatu

This year the school council are working towards achieving The Rights Respecting Schools Award. There are 42 different rights that every child under 18 have. You can see our progress featured on the website and on twitter.  

Each Month School Council will be announcing a new Right of the Month!

October's Right of the Month:

Article 2 - All children have these rights.


Each class have written their own Class Charter which are the promises they will make to ensure everyone is respecting each others rights. 


November's Right of the Month:

Article 12 - I have the right to be listened to and taken seriously.


Every class hold Pupil Voice sessions every week and our voices are heard through the pupil led groups like School Council and Nurture Council.


December's Right of the Month:

Article 14 - I have the right to have my own thoughts and beliefs and to choose my religion with my parents' guidance.


Our school concert had lots of songs from in different languages. We were able to learn about different cultures and religions and how they celebrate. 


January's Right of the Month:

Article 24 - I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food.


We love to have a healthy snack and lunch each day!


February's Right of the Month:

Article 17 - I have the right to get information in lots of ways, so long as it's safe.


We learnt more about this right through internet safety day. Each year group learnt about using the internet in a safe way. 


March's Right of the Month:

Article 41 - Where our country treats us better than the UN does, we should keep up the good work. 


We focused on this right during Comic Relief where we raised lots of money to help children across the UK. 


April's Right of the Month:

Article 36 - I have the right to be protected from things that could harm my development. 


We have encouraged everyone over the Easter holidays to keep this right in mind so that they have a happy and healthy holiday. 

May's Right of the Month:

Article 29- I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment.

We will be thinking about this right when we celebrate Wellbeing day.

June's Right of the Month:

Article 15- I have the right to meet with friends and to join groups.


We are very lucky to be able to have lots of after school clubs and Pupil Voice groups to make our school such a lovely place to come each day.

July's Right of the Month: 

Article 31- I have a right to relax and play.


We have lots of events coming up for you to relax and play. This includes Fun Day, Sports Day and Year 6 class assembly. 

School Councils latest events!

This year for Children in Need, School Council decided to create a video to the song 'Happy'. We had a Strictly dancing competition in the hall and had so much fun! We raised over £200 for the fantastic causelaugh

Children in Need at Greenway Primary 2021

School council - 2020/21

Greenway Primary School are proud to introduce this year's school council representatives.


Year 6 - Rebekah (Chairperson) & Sonny (Secretary)

Year 5 - Mia & Saros

Year 4 - Suneeti (Vice Chairperson) & Colby-Ray

Year 3 - Deborah & Joel

Year 2 - Poppy & Leo

School Council 2019-20

Year 6 -

Year 5 -

Year 4 -

Year 3 -

Year 2 -

School Council 2018-19

Greenway took part in Odd Socks Day to raise awareness about bullying!

School Council 2017/18

School Council 2017

The School Council representatives were elected by their class.  
Let's meet them!


Year 2 - Miley & Bradley

Year 3- Rebekah & Logan

Year 4- Agnes & Chanbe

Year 5- Millie & David

Year 6- Lara and Rafay 


We have meetings once every two weeks to discuss ideas to make Greenway even better and help raise money for local and national charities.


We will be tweeting after every meeting to keep everyone up to date with what is going on. The minutes of meetings and a newsletter is on display for all the children to see!


Keep checking this page for updates and to see what we are doing!


Here is our Chairperson and Secretary!

This our Chairperson, Secretary and Vice Chairperson

We wear a blue jumper so children in the school know who the school council members are!

Children in Need 2017

Thank you to all the children and families who donated cakes & paid to dress up in yellow and spots.  We raised a fantastic £268!

Red Nose Day 2017 - We raised £431!

Children in Need 2016
Pudsey Bear came to visit Greenway this year and we raised £236.  Well done everyone!



Children in Need 2015
Well done Greenway.  We raised an amazing £308!

Harvest Festival Donations
The school council took all your food donations to Cardiff Foodbank Friday 23rd October.  Altogether there was 197.1kg of food.  Well done and thank you to everyone who donated!



Children in Need 2014


Thank you all for donating £1 to dress up and for donating cakes to sell.  We raised an amazing £268.20!  That's the most we have ever raised for Children in Need, you are brilliant,  Thanks!!! 

Harvest Festival Donations
The school council took all your food donations to Cardiff Foodbank Friday 17th October.  Altogether there was 146.5kg of food.  Well done and thank you to everyone who donated!


Clothes Recycling

We took all your contributions to 'Rags to Riches' and raised £117.26 for our school.  Thank you for helping us recycle and raise funds at the same time.



Previous Fund Raising Activities Led by School Council

Comic Relief 15th March 2013
We raised a fantastic £140 by wearing red and having crazy hair.  In the afternoon we had a talent show.  Thank you and congratulations to everyone who took part.