Reception - Dosbarth Derbyn
Welcome to the Reception Class
Croeso Dosbarth Derbyn!
Teacher: Mrs Lavington
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Jones, Mrs Stephens, Miss Crothers
PPA: Mrs Evans
FRUIT / Ffrwyth
Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack and a cartoon of milk for £1 a week.
We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are
encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.
PE Ymarfer Corff
Monday– indoor
If you wish your child to wear a kit for PE, please send in a bag with name clearly labelled. Kit can be left in school and taken home to wash half termly.
Our topic this term is ' If you go down to the woods today .....'
We asked the children what they would like to find out about our topic. They gave us lots of ideas about what they want to explore.
Here are some of the books we will be reading to help us.
We went on a class visit to Walnut Tree Farm. We had a wonderful time feeding the sheep and learning all about the different animals that live on the farm.
We read the book 'The Gruffalo'.
We have had a great time retelling the story in our woodland role-play area.
We made a huge display of the Gruffalo in our classroom. We explored the journey the Gruffalo went on through the story and created a picture story board.
We have been 'Ethical Emma's' by planting a variety of vegetable seeds and plants in our Foundation Phase garden.
It is very important that we take time to look after our garden by watering the plants and weeding the soil.
The whole school took part in a day of wellbeing activities for the charity 'Bronwen's Wish.' We organised and took part in a variety of activities including dancing, painting and selling cakes.
We felt amazingly good at the end of the day!
This term our topic is called
'Once Upon a Time'
We asked the children what they would like to find out about about our topic. They gave us lots of ideas about what they want to explore.
Here are some of the books we will be reading to help us.
The children decided they would like a hairdressers so that they could look beautiful ready for our Cinderella Ball.
We created a Cinderella role play area. We had great fun dressing up and re-telling the story.
After reading the story of Cinderella the children decided to explore homes from long ago.
To launch our topic the children decided they would like hold a Ball in the classroom. We wrote our own party invitations and designed our own sandwiches and menu. We all dressed up like Cinderella and the prince. We danced and danced. It was great fun!
We read the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. When in the water learning station, the children wanted to build their own bridge for the Trolls to cross. We also re-told the story using props and puppets and made our own Trolls using a variety of materials.
We were so excited about building a bridge during water play that we decided we could build a better bridge outdoors using the large bricks. We are so clever!
We read the book Snow White. We decided together that we wanted to investigate apples. We made a pictograms of our favourite apples by using the computer programme JIT5. Our favourite apple was Golden Delicious. Our least favourite apple was Pink Lady.
The wicked Queen had a basket of apples. We sorted the apples in a variety of ways and found out how many apples there were altogether. We put the information onto a pictogram.
We made an apple crumble with the apples. It tasted delicious!
We printed pictures using the apples. We cut the apples into halves and quarters. Don't they look good?
We wanted to make a castle. We looked a a variety of castles from long ago and investigated the different parts of as castle. We made a big castle using boxes and junk materials. We had great fun making our castle and playing with it.
One day we came to school to find Dopey the dwarf was missing. We had great fun writing lost posters to help us find the dwarf. He was found outside have great fun on our outdoor equipment!
We have been learning to recognise the Welsh words for different parts of our body and to answer simple question. Our Helpwr Heddiw has been amazing. Ti'n seren!
To celebrate St David’s day we learnt a simple Welsh dance. It was great fun.
We made some traditional Welsh cakes. We measured the ingredients on a weighing scale. We mixed the ingredients of flour, sugar, butter, eggs and fruit. We cooked them on a bake stone. They tasted delicious!
We painted pictures pictures and used our hands to create models of daffodils. We painted amazing pictures of Welsh ladies.
Look at the amazing St David's day craft created at home by the children and parents. We are very proud of all your hard work.
We have been reading the story Country Mouse and Town Mouse. We looked at the artist L.S. Lowry and Constable. We used oil pastels to draw pictures of the town like L.S. Lowry. We are very clever!
We investigated how the Country Mouse could travel to the town quicker. We found out that a big push and a slope would make the car go faster.
Every Wednesday we decide what we would like to do for ‘Wellbeing Wednesday.’ We choose activities that help us have healthy minds and bodies. Here we are enjoying Cosmic Yoga.
This term our topic is called
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Celebration!'
We asked the children what they would like to find out about about our topic. They gave us lots of ideas about what they want to explore - stars, space, planets, rockets, astronauts, aliens, day and night.
Here are some of the books we will be reading to help us.
We have been having great fun learning about our classroom and school during the first weeks of school.
We have been learning to write our names and mark make in lots of different places and for lots of different reasons.
We went on a walk around the school to explore and learn about our school. It was interesting learning about the school environment. We looked at the different types of technology in the school. Wow, we are so lucky!
We have been using our ‘flippy flappers’ to help us with our gross motor skills and to write numbers. It is great fun!
Every week we are learning to recognise letter sounds. We have already learnt the sounds s, a, t. p, i, n and we can use these letters to read and spell simple words such as at, sat, in, it, pin. We are clever!
Bridget from Upbeat Music has been teaching us to recognise and play many percussion instruments. We have had great fun learning to make different types of sounds and to keep a steady beat.
We read the book Aliens Love Underpants. The children decided they wanted to go on an underpants hunt in the outdoor learning area, make patterned underpants using paint and make some alien biscuits
We had a letter from the aliens that said -
Dear children, Help us! We have lost our underpants. Please help us to find them so we can take them home to our families to enjoy. We lost 10 pairs.Thank you for your help. Love from the Aliens.
We had great fun looking for the underpants on, under, in and alongside our outdoor equipment. We counted the underpants and found the matching number.
Oh no! The aliens had lost the patterns from their underpants. They asked the children to make some patterned underpants. The children made some very colourful, patterned underpants for the aliens to take back to their planet for their families.
We had great fun painting aliens.
We decorated some digestive biscuits to look like aliens. The children listened very carefully to the instructions and made some very 'strange' aliens. They tasted delicious!
Using our Hwb accounts and the drawing programme Jit5 we made alien space pictures. We had to concentrate very hard to make the pictures. We saved and printed our pictures. We are all very pleased with them!
Look at us learning to count 10 objects confidently by giving teddy the correct amount of cakes.
We read the book QPootle5 and the children decided they would like to make a birthday card for ZPootle6. We made some very colourful cards. Qpootle5 was very happy to deliver them to ZPoote6!
The children decided they would like to draw a space ship for QPootle5. They used Smartboard to draw them and then saved and printed their pictures. We are super creative learners.
The children decided they would like to be creative and make their own space ship using junk materials. We had great fun making the ship and learning all about 3D shapes. The rocket looks fab and is on display in our classroom.
We went on an autumn walk to look at how the environment has changed since the summer. We saw that the leaves on the trees have changed colour from green to red, oranges and browns. We found many leaves on the ground and bushes with berries.
We have been looking at how our environment changes during the autumn season. We made an apple crumble using the apples we picked from our orchard. We made autumn soup using natrual ingredients we found during our autumn walk. We made hedgehogs from clay. Don't they look great!
We have been busy planting daffodil and bulbs ready for the spring time.
We read the book 'Whatever Next!'
We decided we wanted to make a helmet for Teddy without holes. We were very creative and used many materials to make our helmets attractive.
We have been investigating 3D shapes. The children wanted to build a rocket for Teddy. They decided they would like to take photos of their rockets using the IPAD.
We re-told the story of Whatever Next! We used props from the story to help us.
We have been investigating length - long and short, tall and short. We found many things which are taller and shorter than us in the outdoor learner area.
We have been learning to speak clearly in Welsh by saying simple phrases. We have been learning to say 'May I have ...: in Welsh 'Ga i .....'
We have been very ambitious learners by making ebooks all about what we can do and fire safety.
I am ebook Group 1.MOV

I am ebook Group 2.MOV

I am ebook Group 3.MOV

Firework safety ebook.MOV