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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

Summer Term 2019

Fruit snack-25p day

Please bring your PE kit on Tuesdays

Reading books & homework go home Monday and should be returned Friday

Spelling tests are every Monday and new spelling words go home on Monday

Big Maths Beat That and Learn Its test are every Thursday/Friday

This term our topic is

'Blue Planet'

The children have written down everything that they want to know about it-we'll do our best to cover it all!

Here are some of their questions:

How many oceans are there and which animals live in them?

What lives at the bottom of the sea?

How much plastic is in the ocean? What can we do to reduce it?

What is weather like around the world?

What does it mean by 'carbon footprint'?

Can you have a volcano in the sea? Are there any mountains in the sea?

Can we do a 'litter pick' How can we stop people dropping litter?



We will be looking at some wonderful stories. One of our children wants to learn more about 'The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe' so we shall. We will also be looking at poetry, in English and in Welsh, report writing, creative story writing and book and film reviews.


After the tests, we will revisit lots of topics such as:

The 4 Rules ( adding & subtracting using money/ dividing using the bus stop method & multiplication using the grid method)2D & 3D shape plus looking at symmetry

Perimeter, area & volume

Any other topics that the children feel they would like to 'brush up' on.


We will be carrying out investigations on litter, water content of vegetables, salty & fresh water and will also be looking at eco systems and food chains.








Photos from the Summer Term
