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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

Year 2 - Blwyddyn 2

Welcome to Year 2

Croeso i Flwyddyn 2


Teacher: Miss Morgan

PPA: Mrs Lavington

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Desmond 



FRUIT / Ffrwyth

We offer a wide selection of fruits each week and is 30p a day or £1.50 per week.  



We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and rehydrate throughout the day.


PE Ymarfer Corff

Our PE day is on a Wednesday and Friday.  We encourage the children to bring in a PE kit to wear each week. This kit can be kept in school and then will be sent home at the end of each half term. The children could wear leggings, joggers or shorts and a t-shirt. 


Make sure you check out our learning on Seesaw! We add things throughout the year for you to keep up to date and all the amazing things we do!

Our topic is:

Amazing Me!


We will be learning about:

- The different emotions and feelings we might have.

- The different ways we can stay fit and healthy.

- Where food comes from.

- What a balanced diet looks like.

- How our bodies work.

-What the different parts of the body do (lungs, heart, brain)



Croeso i Flwyddyn 2!



Teacher: Miss Morgan

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Desmond

PPA: Mrs Lavington




FRUIT / Ffrwyth

We offer a wide selection of fruits each week and is 30p a day or £1.50 per week.  



We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and rehydrate throughout the day.


PE Ymarfer Corff

Our PE day is every Thursday and we encourage the children to bring in a PE kit to wear each week. This kit can be kept in school and then will be sent home at the end of each half term. The children could wear leggings, joggers or shorts and a t-shirt. 


Make sure you check out our learning on Seesaw! We add things throughout the year for you to keep up to date and all the amazing things we do!

Here we are at the start of Year 2!

Our Topic this term is:

Out and About

We will be learning about:

  • Our local area
  • The environment
  • Growing plants
  • How seeds disperse
  • Foods from around the world

We started our topic off by finding out what fruits and vegetables had seeds. We cut open each item and found out that fruits have seeds. We then tried the different foods. It was so much fun trying new foods!

We are three weeks in to our six week session of Upbeat and have loved every second of it. We have been practicing our animal movements and moving around a space using different shapes and levels.

We learnt all about bees and how they make honey. We then researched recipes that had honey in them and decided to make flapjacks. We went to the shop with our shopping list and paid for the ingredients, making sure we had the right amount of change.

We looked at fruits from around the world and then made a poster on the iPad using PicCollage

Learning about shapes is so much fun when we have shape goggles and we are out exploring our garden.

We have learnt lots about seeds so we decided to create a glove garden. We put the seeds in cotton wool and made sure it had plenty of water. We have checked to see the growth over three weeks and recorded the changes.

We learnt all about being a bee keeper. We were able to look at the equipment and try on the outfit.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Our new topic is all about transport. We will be looking at transport over time and how it might change in the future. We will also be having a go at making some of our own modes of transport. 


Here is some class information:

We started the new year with a visit from PC Chris. He talked to us about making good and bad choices. He even showed us some of his equipment.

We have been learning about forces. We made a balloon rocket and a parachute. We tested both of these to see what force they used.

We designed and made our own cars.

We can name 3D shapes and make patterns with them

We love being Welsh! We learnt Welsh songs, did writing in Welsh and looked at Welsh art.

All Our Yesterdays

Our Summer topic will be covering:

  • Welsh castles.
  • Trip to Bute Park.
  • Learning about castles and who lived in them.
  • Learning about royals from the past.
  • The Great Fire of London.
  • Travelling through the decades to see how things have changed over time. 

We have been practicing our measuring skills around the classroom.

We are really good at adding things to a PowerPoint and presenting our ideas.

We went to Bute Park and the castle.

We found the crown jewels at Bute Park and were able to help the king.
