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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

Year 3 - Blwyddyn 3

Summer Term 2017.

It's a Bug's Life!




This term we will be finding out about Minibeasts and their habitats. We will be sorting and classifying and hunting them out in our school environment! We are also going on a trip to Cosmeston Lakes after half term,to go on a real bug hunt with the experts. We will also be going pond dipping-more details to follow!


We will still have P.E. and Games on a Monday and Friday,so please make sure you bring your kit on both those days. Hopefully we will be able to go outside as the weather improves.


We have lots of other exciting activities planned so keep checking back to see what we're doing next!


Spring Term. Bienvenido a EspaƱa

Welcome to the New Year and a new term.

Year 3 have had a very busy start to the year and are enjoying being back in school!

Every Friday morning we have Upbeat Music. We are learning to play the Glockenspiel and are enjoying this so much.

Our theme for this term is 'Bienvenido a España and  we have learned quite a few facts about Spain,including what the capital is and how to count up to 10!


For Science,we are looking at ways to save our environment and have already been out on a litter pick. 

We will be working with a Drama student next week and have a trip to the library to look forward to,just before 'Safer Internet Day'.


P.E and Games are still on a Monday and Friday so don't forget your kit!

Homework books need to be returned every Friday,which is the day we have our spelling test.

Keep checking back for more news;there's always something happening in Year 3!


Diolch yn fawr iawn,

J.Donnelly ( Class Teacher)

L.Thomas (LSA)


Welcome to Year 3! Croeso i flwyddyn 3!



Teachers: Mrs Donnelly and Mrs Ashmore
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Camilleri

PE: Monday and Friday
Reading books and homework are taken home Monday and must be returned during the week when the child is ready to change their book.
Spellings are taken home as well as homework on Monday to learn for the test on Friday.
Autumn 2016

Welcome to  Year 3!
We have an exciting,busy,fun-filled term ahead,so make sure you keep checking this webpage.

Our theme for this term is 'Completely Celt'. We will be travelling back in time to find out what life was like in Wales during the time of the Celts. We will be visiting the Celtic Village at St.Fagans and dying material using vegetables,just like they did back then.

For Science,we will be doing lots of experiments using magnets,batteries and forces.We will become Super Scientists throughout the year.

We will also be performing for our Class Assembly-more information to follow.

If you have any questions,we are always available at the end of the day.

SNACK:Details to follow by the end of this week.
Remember you can use Purple Mash at home.  Ask your teacher for your personal login details.  Click on the logo to go straight to the login page.



Practice your maths skills by playing against other children all over the world. Ask your teacher for your personal login details.  Click on the logo to go straight to the login page.



Ask your teacher for your HWB password.  On Hwb and Hwb+ you can...


  • access your personal Hwb email
  • use online Microsoft software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc)
  • use J2e 
  • write blogs and have online discussions with your classmates.
  • and much, much more.


Click the picture below to go to the Hwb login page.
