Year 4 - Blwyddyn 4
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4! Welcome to Year 4!
Class Teacher: Mr Parker
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hayes
Welcome to our new page, please keep visiting to keep up to date with what we are learning about and upcoming events.
Things to remember:
Homework and reading books are given out on a Monday.
Homework books MUST be returned on a Friday, so they can be marked and prepared for the following week.
Spelling test every Friday morning, so make sure you practise every night!
Tuesday: Indoor PE, please can children bring shorts and t-shirt.
Firday: Outdoor games, can children please bring shorts, t-shirt (Joggers/jumper in winter) and trainers.
If there are any problems please see us at the end of the day.
Summer Term - Minibeasts
This term out theme will be minibeasts.
We will be learning about different types of minibeasts and go searching the school grounds looking for their habitats whilst trying to discover why they choose to live where they do.
We will be looking into a selection of different minibeasts to look at their life cycles and what makes them unique. We will have the chance to catch the critters and put them under a microscope to see how pretty they are!
Keep coming back to look at the latest pictures of our journeys into the forest to see what we find!
Spring 2017 - Bienvenido a España
Our theme this term is all about the country of Spain.
We had a busy start to the new term as we had to learn our parts to our class assembly which we all hope you really enjoyed.
We will be learning some basic Spanish words and phrases as well as learning about how the Spanish live and how their lives compare to ours in Wales.
We are very lucky that every Friday morning we will have Upbeat Music! We will be taking part in some very exciting African Drumming. Come back soon to see some pictures and videos of our performances.
Autumn 2016
Our theme this termis 'Really Romans' we are going to travel back in time to learn about their enormous empire and influences they brought to life in Wales.
So far we have learnt all about the fierce Roman army and what made them such a force.
We have planned and made our own shields to protect us from the Celts.
When we're not working hard we love to relax by reading different types of books in our reading corner.
We are really working hard to learn our times tables here are some of the videos we have been watching to help is learn. If we practice at home we can get even better!
3 Times Tables - Learn The Fun Way!
4 Times Tables - Learn The Fun Way!
Ask your teacher for your HWB password. On Hwb and Hwb+ you can...
- access your personal Hwb email
- use online Microsoft software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc)
- use J2e
- write blogs and have online discussions with your classmates.
- and much, much more.
Click the picture below to go to the Hwb login page.
Remember you can use Purple Mash at home. Ask your teacher for your personal login details. Click on the logo to go straight to the login page.
Dynamo Lots of fun activities to do at home
Rainforest games More fun games about the Rainforest for your child.Why not play with them?
Kids National Geographic Loads of fab photos and facts and games about the Rainforest.One of my favourite Geographical websites!
Interactive Romans! An interactive Roman's web game.Museum of London resource.
Magnetic facts! Fun experiments to fact find about magnets and magnetism.
Newsround Keep up to date with the latest news.