Year 4 - Blwyddyn 4
Welcome to Year 4
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4
Class Teacher/Athro: Mr Nicholas
TA's/AC: Miss Anderson & Miss Morris
PPA Teacher/Athrawes: Mrs Anderson
Gwybodaeth Y Dosbarth-Class Information
Pwy sy eisiau ffrwyth?
FRUIT / Ffrwyth
Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack for 30p. The Year 6 children wash and sell the fruit and count our earnings. We use any profit to buy some special extras for the children in their lessons.
We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are
encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.
PE/Ymarfer Corff
Wednesday– Outdoors
We will have our PE session on a Wednesday. As these sessions will be outdoors can the children please wear appropriate clothing. As the session is towards the end of the day, they can wear their kit home rather than changing back into their uniform.
'Wellbeing Wednesday'
We will do this every Wednesday afternoon as part of our 'Wellbeing Wednesday' scheme of work!
Homework/ Gwaith Cartref
Homework will be given out on a Monday. This will consist of; Spelling plus either, Literacy, Numeracy or Context.
Please return this on the Friday to be marked.
Each Monday the children may choose a book from a large selection in our library to bring home. Please return them as soon as they have finished so another can be chosen.
This term's topic:
Context-Cyd Destun
This term we shall be learning all about the world around us, in our exciting topic: GLOBE-TROTTING
This is a Science & Humanities topic, linking to all areas of the curriculum.
Using ‘pupil voice’, children have discussed what they want to learn. They will be taking part in ‘missions’ to discover lots of new skills. The children have decided that they would like to:
Year 4 have been designing their own flying machine!
Year 4's flight to the USA!
How you can help your child
Listen to them read or encourage them to read books, comics, magazines, or newspapers independently.
Support them to do research on a theme, to work out maths questions or to learn spellings for homework.
Send them to school every day!
Exploration and Discovery
This term we shall be learning all about historical figures who have helped shape our understanding of the world and its geographical aspects and also about the great discoveries of humanity from our history, in our exciting topic: Exploration and Discovery
This is a Science & Humanities topic, linking to all areas of the curriculum.
Using ‘pupil voice’, children have discussed what they want to learn. They will be taking part in ‘missions’ to discover lots of new skills. The children have decided that they would like to:
Here is our PUPIL VOICE!
So far this term, we have been learning about a local legend, Sir Henry Morgan. We have created fact files and used our missions to investigate how his ship would have floated! We have also learnt that there is a Llanrumney in Cardiff, and also, in Jamaica that was named after him! We were shocked!
We have also been learning all about Robert Falcon Scott and his amazing trip to the Antarctic! We looked at their diets and how tough it must have been!
Some examples of our Anti-Slavery posters! We created them digitally using our HWB platform.
This term we shall be learning all about what lies beneath the great big oceans of the world and how humans impact ocean life. We will be 'diving into' exciting topics such as, animals of the oceans and a more serious issues such as pollution, in our exciting topic: Blue Planet.
This is a Science & Humanities topic, linking to all areas of the curriculum.
Using ‘pupil voice’, children have discussed what they want to learn. They will be taking part in ‘missions’ to discover lots of new skills. The children have decided that they would like to: