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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

Year 5 - Blwyddyn 5

Blwyddyn 5 - Year 5


Class Teacher: Mr R Beynon

Teaching Assistant: Miss R Samuel

PPA Teacher: Mr S Evans


FRUIT / Ffrwyth

Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack for 20p or £1 for the week. The Year 6 children wash and sell the fruit and count our earnings. We use any profit to buy some special extras for the children in their lessons.



We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are

encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.


PE Ymarfer Corff

Thursday - indoor & Friday - outdoor

We have Upbeat Dance for the first six weeks of the term so can children please wear joggers/leggings and t-shirt. Thursday children will take part in drama and gymnastics in the hall so could girls wear leggings or shorts and boys to wear shorts or joggers.

Friday is outdoor PE, with the Winter coming can children please wear appropriate shoes and warm clothes.

Tymor Y Haf- Summer Term

Context: May the Force Be With You

This half term we will be looking at forces, the force of nature and what forces look like in our every day life. We will be Ambitious by creating investigations and experiments to answer our enquiries and questions. Pupil voice will, as always, lead the learning and we are very excited to do some fantastic learning in our last term in Year 5.

We enjoyed creating Tornado art and making them look like an optical illusion. Don't they look great!

Trying out Tae Kwando! Thanks to SWAT Tae Kwando for the session

Glamorgan Cricket Festival

The cricket team played against other schools at the "More in common" cricket festival at Sophia Gardens. The team played some amazing cricket narrowly losing to our friends at Trowbridge Primary school in the Semi Finals. Take a look at the pictures from an amazing day! We don't like cricket... We love it!

Some of the children got to present our work on the project in front of a room of 100 people. In the audience was politicians, members of the council, charity workers, staff from other schools and two Glamorgan Cricket Players amongst lots of other VIPs. The presentation was excellent and the children should be very proud of doing this!

Tymor yr Gwanwyn- Spring Term 2024

Topic: "Our Heritage"

This term we will be looking at the history of Wales. We will be travelling back in time to the Victorian Era where we will seeing what life was like for children during that time. We will also be travelling around Wales looking at Castles and the National Parks of Wales. 


Glamorgan Cricket Project

We are lucky enough to have a new partnership with Glamorgan Cricket Club where
we will be learning how to play cricket, learn about the history of the sport and find out information about countries that play cricket.

Our project started with a trip to the home of Glamorgan Cricket- Sophia  Gardens. We had a great day playing cricket, touring the stadium and tryin on different cricket jerseys from around the world. Thank you Glamorgan CC for a really enjoyable day. 

Our visit to Glamorgan Cricket Club- Sophia Gardens

Spring 2024: Gayle Rogers Art (Welsh Castles)

Year 5 are learning about the Welsh artist Shani Rhys James. She often paints with cloths, knives and other implements, so we did too. Children used mirrors to check details of their own features and expressions, just as she does.












Tymor yr Hydref - Autumn Term


This term our topic is: "To Infinity and Beyond!". We will be learning about the Solar System, the Moon Landing, stars, The Moon and "The Hidden Figures" who helped the Apollo 11 land on the moon. As always the learners will choose the learning they want to do.


We have loved using VR Goggles to experience what life would be like in space.


We used the Internet to help us with our line drawings, plus a variety of paint effects, to create some astronomical astronaut art!








Missions- To Infinity and Beyond. Here is a range of work we have done on our Creation Station, Communication Station, Calculation Station and Investigation Station

Training like an Astronaut- We have been practising our agility, team work, reactions and fitness just like astronauts would when they train for a mission!

First Aid Training- We were lucky enough to have first aid training. We learnt how to bandage, recovery position, who to call in an emergency and even tried CPR. What a great life skill to have!
