Reception - Dosbarth Derbyn
Reception 2020-2021
Parent Help Guide
Below are some helpful websites for at home learning.
Reception Teachers
Mrs Lavington
Mrs Jones
Mrs Stephens
Miss Crothers
This term we will be exploring the topic 'My World.'
The children have used their pupil voice to make decisions about what they would like to learn about their world. They decided they would like to find out about our bodies and people who help us.
Here are some of the books we will be looking at to support our learning.
We took photographs of each other using the IPad then made puzzles of our bodies.
We have been looking at how to stay healthy. We made creative hankies that remind us to ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’.
We have been learning how to wash our hands properly. To help us wash them for at least 20 seconds we sing the Happy Birthday song twice. It makes it fun!
We used the IPad app called Book Maker to create talking books about what we like doing best.
Each day our ‘Helpwr Heddiw’ helps us to ask and answer questions in Welsh.
We went on a listening walk. We could hear lots of different sounds with our special rabbit listening ears. Some sounds were loud and some sounds were quiet.
We have learning to use money when playing in our fruit and vegetable shop.
We have been exploring pattern in our environment. We made patterns using natural materials from our outdoor area.
We have been learning to write our names and to write and mark make in lots of different places and for lots of different reasons.
We used the computer programme JIT5 to make a pictogram of the eye colours in our class. We found out that the most popular eye colour in our class is brown.
We have been investigating human skeletons. We have made our own moving skeletons and we drew pictures of skeletons.
We read the story Peace at Last. We talked about families and how there are many different types of families.
We went on an autumn walk to look at how the environment has changed since the summer. We saw that the leaves on the trees have changed colour from green to red, orange and browns. we found many leaves on the ground and bushes with berries.
We used the VR googles to look at fireworks. It was so real and exciting. It felt like we could touch the fireworks.
How to be safe during bonfire night
We used a variety of resources to create autumn images and models.
Upbeat Music have been teaching us to dance and move to a variety of music. we have been developing good balance and coordination.
We have been planting bulbs ready for next spring.