Autumn Term 2018
Welcome back to Year 2!
Our topic this term is 'Amazing Me!'
We went on our first visit in our new minibuses to Cefn Onn Park.
We wrapped up warm in coats and wellingtons and explored the park.
We identified many of the trees from collecting the leaves that had fallen to the ground.
We really enjoyed the visit and can't wait to visit again in the Springtime and see how it is different.

We will be:
- Talking and writing about our families
- Learning how we grow and change
- Finding out about diet and exercise
- Promoting Eat well....Stay well
- Learning about the different food groups
- Tasting and describing various fruits and vegetables
- Creating graphs of our favourite fruit and vegetables
- Finding out about doctors and hospitals
- Learning about the life of Florence Nightingale and why she was so important
We talked about how it is important to have a balanced diet. We sorted different foods into Carbohydrates, Protein, Dairy, Fruit and Vegetables, High in fat and sugar.

We read the book 'Oliver's Vegetables'. Oliver found that when he tried different vegetables he actually liked them!
So........... we peeled, chopped and cooked lots of different vegetables and tried them!
We then had to record whether we liked them or not and decided on our favourite and least favourite.
Our next task is to create graphs.