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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

Eco Day 2014


Monday 9th November - Thursday 13th November was our "Eco Week".  
Every class participated in a range of Eco activities.
Greenway Primary School Eco Week Report

In Nursery and Reception we made badges from recycled bottletops.  We made a 'Frozen' castle from junk materials.  To remind ourselves about the importance of staying healthy and fit we had a 'Dance-a-thon' in the hall and made fruit kebabs.  We planted snowdrops, crocus and daffodil bulbs to make our outdoor learning area attractive and to attract wildlife.

 Year 1 children revised the uses of the three bins (compost caddy, recycling bin & general bin) we have in class, why we have them and what we should out into them.  The children also drew flags of the different countries in their family backgrounds.  We were able to identify 25 different countries in our class alone.  We created a window display of all the flags.  Children played a ‘Traffic light’ game involving different foods. We discussed what would happen to our bodies if we ate too many each category.  
Year 2 read 'Dinosaurs and all that rubbish' then designed posters to show how we could look after our planet.  We also read 'Handa's Surprise' and tasted different tropical fruits.  We wrote fruit poems linked to healthy eating.  Look at the photos of our fruit faces!  Finally, we designed a healthy meal plate. 
For Eco Week in Year 3 we created our own healthy menu and looked at ways to keep fit.  We sorted healthy foods from unhealthy foods and we had great fun.  We also designed and made a musical instrument out of junk materials.  We found out why litter is so dangerous for animals.  
By Jim Jim Connors
The children in year 4 learnt about the effects of smoking cigarettes on your health and the environment.  Smoking can give you cancer and kill you!  Several trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide every year.  It is good to recycle because you can use it again and food waste can be turned into compost.  
By Bethan Thomas
In Year 5 on Wednesday loads of children brought in their green recycling bags. Early in the morning we sorted it into boxes, tubes, bottles and other bits we could make things with. We went in the hall with Year 6.
First we had to draw models of something from WW2 in our sketch books. After that we had to bring the recycled litter to the hall & make the model similar to the one we drew in our books. We made the models which we think are great . When our models were finished wee painted them and added new adjustments to it. It was such fun.
After that we put our models outside to display them and people could walk past and admire them or think how long it took us to plan, create and paint.
We think they are really fantastic and we are very proud of them.
By Priscylla Djalo & Charlie Busuttil
In Year 6 we have been learning about how long different materials take to decompose. We were amazed at how long materials like plastic and rubber take... hundreds and hundreds of years! We also worked with local artist Judith to build junk models based around World War 2, we made an aircraft carrier out of recyclable waste.
Many of us in Year 6 were disturbed with the amount of litter that ends up in the our oceans. Subsequently seriously hurting or even killing many marine animals. We decided to write a newspaper article to highlight the significance of the problem.
As a class we did plan to complete a litter pick of the local area. Unfortunately the weather wasn't on our side, so we will look to complete this later on in the school year. We intend to count and weigh the number of bags we fill, and compare our data with another litter pick a month later.


By James & Layla



