Year 4 - Blwyddyn 4
Welcome to Year 4
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4
Teacher: Mr Parker
PPA: Mrs Anderson
Teaching Assistants: Miss Tucker
FRUIT / Ffrwyth
Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack for 20p or £1 for the week. The Year 6 children wash and sell the fruit and count our earnings. We use any profit to buy some special extras for the children in their lessons.
We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are
encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.
PE Ymarfer Corff
We will have PE on a Friday afternoon. We will either be indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. Can children please wear shorts, t-shirt and bring trainers or other suitable shoes.
During the colder months, can children please bring warmer clothes (joggers/jumper) for when we go outside.
Exploration and Discovery
This term we are going exploring and discovering many new skills and learning lots of information. We have decided to look at a few areas.
The body
Check back to see some of the amazing things we have been finding out about.
Y Corff
We have looked at the major organs of the body. We have looked at how the heart pumps blood around the body, how the brain controls everything and all out body parts work together to make us unique.
Our Lungs
We looked at time In maths and then using these skills we looked at how the Egyptians kept time. We made a timer using plastic cups, lollypop sticks and a marker.
Tadeo Jones
We watched a short animated film called Tadeo Jones. Whilst watching we used our skills we have been learning to describe the character and the settings.
Come and travel with us as we take off from Cardiff and we explore the world.
We'll visit France and look at their culture, food and learn some French.
Go into Asia and look at some of the biggest countries in the world.
Travel to Africa and learn about the local tribes.
Escape to South America to find out about the Welsh colony in Patagonia.
Moving up to North America to look at the American way of life.
Before finishing in the North Pole, just in time for Christmas.
Welcome to Year 4
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4
Teacher: Mr Nicholas
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jones
Support/PPA: Mrs Anderson
Welsh reading & Edible Playground: Mr Evans
Fruit snack-20p per day
Please bring your PE kit on Mondays & Wednesdays
Reading books & spelling homework will go home each Monday and should be returned on the Friday.
Spelling tests are every Friday
Big Maths ‘Beat That’ and a ‘Learn Its’ tests
are taken at the end of the week.
This term our topic is BRIGHT SPARKS
We will be looking at some genres including Brochure writing, and how to write a story using our imaginative language skills. As a link to our theme of BRIGHT SPARKS, we shall be reading 'The Great Inventors'
We will be looking at a adverbs, creative writing, and using our imagination to describe a scene.
We will be looking at positive and negative numbers and how we used them in the 'real world'.
We shall also be looking at bar graphs and learning all about how they help us with understanding how data can be used.
We will be looking at how we can use capacity in our day-to-day life and how important understanding measurements can be.
We will be carrying out investigations in our ‘Missions’ when the children are encouraged to be independent learners researching all things science.
We will also get a chance to use the VR goggles to help us explore the Sun without the sunburn!
This term the learners will be looking at what makes a 'bright spark', from the geniuses and inventors, to how we have used the scientific world around us for the benefit of us humans! We will be looking at the Sun and how it impacts us on Earth including what makes night and day.
We will also be looking at the work of Claude Monet and specifically his Sunsets and Sunrises art work.
We will be looking at how the light from the sun reaches the Earth and the effects that has, such as, the Northern Lights!
We will be looking at the festival of light called Diwali!
Our Trip to the Rhymney River to check the litter!
This term our topic is ANCIENT TIMES
We will be looking at some genres . As a link to our theme of the Egyptians, we shall be reading 'The Ancient Egypt Sleepover'
We will be looking at a play script writing, diary writing, sending an email and rhyming poetry.
We shall remind ourselves about:
The 4 Rules (adding & subtracting using money/ dividing using the bus stop method & multiplication)
Co ordinates-using a map
We will be looking at positive and negative numbers and how we used them in the 'real world'.
We shall also be looking at coordinates and learning all about how they help us with understanding how the Romans got around the UK.
We will be looking at how we can use fractions in our day-to-day life and how important they are.
We shall be doing lots of reasoning activities to make us think and to try out new methods.
We will be carrying out investigations in our ‘Missions’ when the children are encouraged to be independent learners.
Hopefully, we will also get a chance to use the VR goggles to help us take a trip back in time to the Ancient Egyptians.
The children have told us what they'd like to learn using PUPIL VOICE!
Our Trip to Caerleon Historical Site
This term our topic is
'What a Wonderful World'
The children have written down everything that they would like to learn about it in our ‘Pupil Voice’ session at the start of the term-we'll do our best to cover it all!
Here are some of the ideas which can inform planning:
- go to Barry Island
- visit a church
- visit an aquarium
- go to a beach
- go to a museum
- learn about Spain
- learn about Africa
- do more science experiments
- learn about lakes and forests and go to the Forest
- learn about volcanoes and mountains
- make slime
- learn about the world's biggest plants
- go to a carrot farm or factory
We will be looking at some wonderful stories. As a link to Cardiff and Welsh literature, we shall be reading 'The Dragon Ring' which was written by Liz Haigh
Did you know she used to be a teacher in Greenway!
We will be looking at a book review, an autobiography, poetry, creative story writing and recipes.
We shall remind ourselves about:
The 4 Rules (adding & subtracting using money/ dividing using the bus stop method & multiplication)
Co ordinates-using a map
Measuring-the school, the playground and the distance between our school and local amenities using m and cm.
We shall also be measuring liquids using ml and L.
2D & 3D shape plus looking at symmetry
We shall be doing lots of reasoning activities to make us think and to try out new methods.
We will be carrying out investigations in our ‘Missions’ when the children are encouraged to be independent learners.
Hopefully, we will also get a chance to use the VR goggles.
Lots planned and lots to look forward to!
Year 4 completed their first afternoon 'Missions'. These were based on the story 'The day the crayons quit' by Drew Daywalt. It is all about a rebellious packet of crayons. Each crayon is fed up of being given the same jobs to do (things to colour) time and time again!
We dug up our potatoes in the Edible Playground and stored them correctly, ready to make potato wedges. Then we thought about the life cycle of a potato and arranged the stages in chronological order.
Children cut the tops off root vegetables - turnips, carrots, parsnips, radishes, swedes and beetroot - and put them on wet tissue paper to see what would happen. They made predictions - would they grow, or would something else happen? To everyone's surprise they ALL grew. They are now growing in proper compost and we will see if they grow into proper plants and maybe produce flowers.
Children produced this display based on wonderful Wales. They wrote descriptions of locations around Wales, based on the lyrics of the song 'What a wonderful world'.
Children have an input into their learning by making suggestions based on our topic.
Children are building up their bank of knowledge and sentence structure based on colour. They are brilliant learners of Welsh. Bendigedig, Blwyddyn 4, 'dych chi'n sêr!