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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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The Oaks Federation

Year 3 - Blwyddyn 3

 Year 3 - Blwyddyn 3


 Croeso i Flwyddyn 3


Class Teacher/Athro: Mrs Herring-Jones

TA's/AC: Mrs Hayes

PPA Teacher/Athrawes: Miss Cosh


Gwybodaeth Y Dosbarth-Class Information



FRUIT / Ffrwyth - Pwy sy eisiau ffrwyth?

Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack for 30p. The Year 6 children wash and sell the fruit and count our earnings. We use any profit to buy some special extras for the children in their lessons.



We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are

encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.


PE/Ymarfer Corff


We will have our PE session on a Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on this day.

'Wellbeing Wednesday'

We will do this every Wednesday afternoon as part of our 'Wellbeing Wednesday' scheme of work!


Homework/ Gwaith Cartref

Homework will be given out on a Monday. This will consist of; Spelling plus either, Literacy, Numeracy or Context. 

Please return this on the Friday to be marked.

Each Monday the children may choose a book from a large selection in our library to bring home. Please return them as soon as they have finished so another can be chosen.



Our topic this term:


Context-Cyd Destun

This term we shall be learning all about the world around us, in our exciting topic: GLOBE-TROTTING

This is a Science & Humanities topic, linking to all areas of the curriculum.



Using ‘pupil voice’, children have discussed what they want to learn. They will be taking part in ‘missions’ to discover lots of new skills. The children have decided that they would like to:


Year 3 decided that they would like to design their own flying machine, and the pretend to travel around the 7 continents of the world. 


We designed our flying machines and then we were very ambitious learners making our design out of LEGO (build to express)


Here are some of our Build to express flying machines...


We decided to travel to Italy, in Europe. We were ethical learners by mapping out our journey around the world, thinking about our environment and air pollution. We decided it would be best to visit somewhere in Europe first. We spent time researching Italy, we were healthy learners creating a healthy packed lunch, using foods from Italy. We were creative learners designing and creating our Venice Carnival masks, we were ambitious learners using our math skills to compare populations in different Italian cities. 


We really enjoyed trying different Italian foods, predicting their smell, taste and texture first.



We decided to visit Africa next. We have been creative and ambitious learners doing African Drumming this term. We really do have so much fun every Thursday morning, playing the drums, singing and dancing.

