Edible Playground and outdoors
Tymor yr Hydref
Autumn Term
- Year 2 had a big clear-up of their raised beds and helped clear the grass from around the trees in the orchard.
- Year 1 picked, prepared and sampled cucumber 'Three ways' - plain, with a little salt and with balsamic vinegar.
- Reception class harvested our Swiss chard and turned it magically into crisp 'seaweed'!
- Nursery dug up their main-crop potatoes and turned them into yummy potato wedges.
- Rhostiodd Blwyddyn 4 eu thatws 'Maincrop'.
- Year 3 harvested, prepped and washed our sweetcorn and then enjoyed it smothered in butter!
- Year 3 used the garlic we grew in the Edible Playground to make garlic bread. It was delicious!
- Year 4 harvested and braised our Florence fennel. Safe to say the reactions were mixed!
- Year 3 did some autumn odd-jobs: clearing beds, composting, making a final vase of cut flowers, and leaving dead sunflowers heads on the fence for birds to feast on.
- More bed clearing, this time with Years 5 and 6. Year 5 learned to use a hoe correctly while Year 6 made the most of the very last of this year's cut flowers and re-planted any dug-up spring bulbs. Both classes helped with the important job of composting.
- Year 6 picked the last of this year's apples in our orchard and made delicious apple crumble, learning some cooking and food preparation skills at the same time.
- Some Year 5 children helped out Year 1 and 2 by planting spring bulbs in the tyres in their outdoor area.
- Year 6 sowed tulip bulbs, following the instructions on the packet and using dibbers and bulbs planters while estimating depth and spacing.
- Year 6 sowed cauliflower seeds, learning the importance of using cloches to help protect the emerging seedlings from the frost and from the pigeons!
- Plannodd Dosbarth Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1 garlleg yn eu ardaloedd tyfu llysiau.
- Nursery picked medlars from the tree in the orchard. We will now leave them to blet, and the brave ones can taste them!
- Year 5 raked the autumn mowings from the top of the wildflower meadow to allow the seeds to drop to the soil and germinate in the spring.
- Year 4 had a fantastic morning with Chloe and Mark from Coed Caerdydd, planting a range of saplings - cherry, silver birch, oak, spindle, rowan, crab apple, elder, hazel - and learnt a range of practical and environmental skills as well as showing independence in their learning.
- Cynaeafodd, glaniodd, paratôdd, rhostiodd a bwytodd Blwyddyn 6 ein panas. Roedden nhw'n blasus dros ben!
Tymor yr Hydref
Autumn Term
- Gwnaeth Blwyddyn 2 saws tomato i fynd gyda pasta, yn defnyddio tomatos a pherlysiau o'r ardd a nifer bach o gynhwysion eraill.
- Year 1 harvested the potatoes they had sown in the spring. They washed them and helped prepare them, and then enjoyed delicious, crispy roast potatoes.
- Reception Class picked Swiss chard and spinach beet to make crispy 'seaweed'. It tasted just like the shop-bought version!
- Reception Class are learning the correct way to water the crops in the Edible Playground.
- Nursery children looked at photos of lettuces and then identified them in the Edible Playground. They harvested them, washed them, and enjoyed them with a bit of salad cream! The cucumber and tomatoes are from our Edible Playground too.
- Year 4 took part in a wildflower hunt in the area around the school playgrounds. They found a big range of species, including willowherb, ragwort, common yarrow, thistle, red clover, dandelion, groundsel, ribwort plantain and fox-and-cubs.
- Year 4 watched a programme about how carrots are harvested, then went outside to harvest ours. They prepared and roasted them - they were delicious! They have also started some other carrot-based activities linked to art, numeracy and literacy.
- Year 4 harvested our Edible Playground cucumbers and helped prepare them. Then they sampled them and described them - sour, crunchy, fresh, juicy, cold, refreshing.
- Year 4 dug up some potatoes. They learned the importance of storing them in the dark, while we decide what to make with them!
- Year 5 harvested our sweetcorn. They were a bit past their best, sadly, so we will learn from the experience and harvest them earlier next year.
- Following the disappointment of the sweetcorn, Year 5 harvested, prepared and roasted our carrots, working with a high degree of independence. They were delicious, although Evie wanted hers honey-roasted!
- Year 6 followed packet instructions and a new gardening tool to plant tulip and daffodil bulbs in our new cut-flower bed (a great idea from a Year 5 pupil).
- Year 4 harvested our pumpkins, squashes and marrows. They will make a nice addition to our Harvest Assembly display this week.
- Year 3 had a lot of autumn odd-jobs to do - clearing our mooli and pumpkins and composting everything, planting some spring bulbs, and planting garlic and shallots.
- Year 4 made roast potato wedges using the potatoes they had dug up earlier this month. The whole school smelled like a chip shop!
- Year 2 made pasta using the Edible Playground tomato sauce that they made and froze back in September, learning how we can preserve food in the process. It was delicious!
- Symudodd Blwyddyn 1 berlysiau o'u potiau i'r daear a phlannodd fylbiau cennyn Pedr.
- We harvested our garlic before the summer holidays and stored it in the potting shed. Reception class used some of it to make delicious garlic bread.
- Nursery children helped make pear crumble using the last of the autumn fruit from our orchard. Yummy!
- Year 3 did an autumn sowing of broad bean seeds. They are usually sown in the spring, so we will just have to see what happens!
- Year 3 learned how beans develop nitrogen on their roots, and how we leave the nitrogen in the soil by cutting the stalks at ground level instead of pulling up the roots.
- Plannodd Dosbarth Derbyn fylbiau gwanwyn yn eu potiau blodau.
- Some Year 2 children picked medlars from the tree in our orchard. They have 'bletted' by now so are ready to eat. Some children - and staff! - were brave enough to try them! They taste much, much nicer than they look. They were very popular in the 15- and 1600s and can be made into a jelly.
- Year 4 undertook the important task of clearing the beds and spreading a mulch of new compost ready for the spring.
- Cynaeafodd, paratoiodd a choginiodd Blwyddyn 2 ein ffenygl. Roedd ymatebion i'r blas anarferol yn gymysg! Ond mae'n beth da i drio pethau newydd.
Tymor y Gwanwyn
Spring Term
- Does dim lot yn tyfu ym mis Ionawr ond mae Blwyddyn 5 wedi bod yn hau hadau rhuddyglen. Maen nhw'n ddiogel o'r tywydd oer yn y sied potio nawr.
- Year 6 planted shallot sets using a range of measuring and estimating skills, working independently.
- Year 6 planted out Mr Evans's rooting Christmas tree. We'll see if it 'takes' - if so it will eventually provide some welcome shade and structure in an area of bare grass above the playground.
- Some children in all classes from Reception to Year 6 made a display vase of foliage and plants currently found in our school grounds, for our Enrichment Afternoon activity. It helps us learn about the changing of the seasons and the seasonality of plants and their life cycles.
- Nursery children sowed radish seeds into modules, using it as an opportunity to practise counting to ten and beyond.
- It's been all hands on deck with strimming, rotavating, watering and sowing, to prepare our wildflower and pollinator bed. A big 'Diolch yn fawr' to everyone involved. Now we just need to wait and see if the yellow rattle 'takes' and succeeds in killing off some of the grass and so improve the biodiversity.
- Year 1 sowed early cauliflower seeds into modules. They learned gardening vocabulary such as 'module', 'germination' (and 'dustpan-and-brush'!) and estimated 1cm depth for sowing.
- Reception class sowed early cabbage seeds and did a gardening tool identification.
- Year 5 learned how to use secateurs safely, learning how to handle managed risk. They then applied their skills to pruning our living willow into shape. The prunings were added to our bug hotel.
- Year 5 sowed yellow rattle seed, using funds from a grant, plus help and advice from Sam at Forest Farm. Yellow rattle is known as 'the meadow maker' because it suppresses grass growth by feeding on its roots and so encourages biodiversity. We will sow further species in the spring.
- Heuodd Blwyddyn 3 hadau cennyn, ar ôl darganfod rhain o'r llynedd yn yr ardd. Byddan nhw'n barod am Ddydd Gŵyl Ddewi 2025, gobeithio!
- Year 2 sowed turnip seeds. They read the instructions on the packet themselves, established that we were in the correct month for sowing and estimated the correct planting depth.
- Planiodd Blwyddyn 2 nionod coch. Defnyddion nhw bren mesur i fesuro'r pellter rhwng bob un.
- Reception children harvested parsnips ready for Nursery children to help prepare the following day.
- Reception children learned about the importance of chitting potatoes before planting them. These are maincrop potatoes so we will turn them into roast potatoes, crisps or mash later in the year.
- Nursery children sowed celeriac seeds.
- Year 3 put out maincrop potatoes for chitting. Once the shoots are longer and stronger they will plant them in the Edible Playground.
- Year 3 children sowed kohlrabi seeds.
- Year 6 children made celeriac slaw, working almost entirely independently to harvest and prepare the celeriac and then follow the recipe to make the slaw. It was delicious!
- Year 1 sowed crimson-flowering broad beans. They used the measurements on the side of the dibber to check for the correct depth and space between each one.
- Nursery children sowed carrot seeds into their raised bed. They learned how to handle the tiny seeds correctly.
- Reception class chitted their maincrop potatoes recently and today they sowed them. Now all they need to do is water them, dig them up when they're ready, and decide what to make them into!
Tymor yr Haf
Summer Term
- Year 5 sowed pea and mangetout seeds, showing growing levels of independence.
- Year 6 planted gladiolus bulbs in our cut-flower bed. Dame Edna would be proud.
- Year 6 planted out our chitted maincrop potatoes.
- Year 6 experimented with growing onion sets. They planted some directly into the ground and planted some into cells indoors. The indoor ones are 'further along' than the outdoor-sown ones and were ready to plant out, so we might use that method more often in future.
- Heuodd Blwyddyn 6 hadau tomato mewn celloedd, bron yn hollol annibynnol. Dyn ni ddim wedi tyfu'r amrywiaeth hon o'r blaen.
- Year 6 undertook the important job of thinning out our turnip and lettuce seedlings, learning how to identify the weaker plants and how to remove them without damaging the others, and composting the thinnings.
- Our cut-flower bed is starting to make progress.
- Heuodd Dosbarth Derbyn hadau blodyn yr haul.
- A very, very busy day in the Edible Playground for Year 3 - clearing beds, sorting tools, and sowing carrots, runner beans, red cabbages, tomatoes, courgettes, cucumbers, swedes, squashes and pumpkins!
- Year 5 harvested tulips from our cut-flower bed and made a vase of them for our school foyer.
- Year 5 sowed French beans.
- Year 5 sowed lots of flowers for our cut-flower bed - zinnias, carnations, verbena, nigella, cosmos and sweet peas, to add to the sunflowers that Reception class sowed last week.
- Year 2 planted liatris bulbs, taking care to plant them towards the back as they are fairly tall. They compared the heights of the different flowers to work out their best position.
- Year 2 prepared fig-leaf gourd seeds by soaking them overnight. Year 5 will sow them in pots or cells tomorrow.
- Year 2 sowed sweetcorn seeds in modules.
- Gorffennodd Blwyddyn 2 ddiwrnod brysur o hau gan hau hadau seleri, yn gweithio bron yn annibynnol.
- Year 1 harvested, prepared and sampled radishes 'two ways' - some raw with mayonnaise, and some roasted.
- Nursery children sowed Swiss chard seeds.
- Nursery children also sowed sunflower seeds.
- Year 3 used a range of skills to make a support structure for our broad beans - estimating and measuring, managing risk, and teamwork.
- Year 3 planted out beetroot seedlings, taking care to handle the delicate plants correctly. They were very careful and skilful!
- Year 4 harvested, trimmed, washed, prepared and glazed salsify. It was really good!
- Year 1 sowed parsnip seeds into a tall pot to ensure their roots have enough depth to grow properly.
- Year 1 sowed endive seeds. They learned that endive is a kind of curly-leaved plant related to lettuce. They will be planted outside once the weather gets warmer.
- Year 6 planted out cucumbers, squashes and pumpkins, plus zinnias, nigella and sweet peas.
- Year 6 sowed Florence fennel seeds in modules.
- Year 6 cut and arranged a vase of irises and calendulas from our cut-flower bed.
- Mae Blwyddyn 2 wedi bod yn plannu mas tomatos. Bydd y tywydd yn ddigon gynnes iddyn nhw, gobeithio!
- Year 2 planted out the last of our squash seedlings, showing skill in handling the plants and in ensuring spacing between them.
- Reception class sowed salsify seeds, using 'measuring worms' to work out the correct sowing depth in non-standard units.
- Year 6 learned the correct methods of watering, making sure they gave the soil a soaking down to a good depth and keeping the jet of water appropriate to the size of the plants so none were damaged. Our water butt was empty so we had to revert to the hose.
- Year 2 harvested lettuces and sampled them with mayonnaise, salad cream or 'Marie Rose' sauce.
- Year 3 harvested our broad beans, composted the leftover plants and prepared the bed for the next crop. They learned how to manage risk, learning how to use secateurs in the correct way.
- Year 2 harvested our garlic. Some of them were enormous!
- Year 2 carried out the important task of watering, learning how to alter the jet depending on the size and strength of the plant, to aim at the base of the plant (not the leaves or flowers) and to give everything a proper soaking.
- Year 3 picked, washed, topped and tailed, steamed, drained, buttered - and, finally, sampled! - our mangetout, learning un peu de Francais at the same time.
- Christina from Trees for Cities came and introduced the Tiny Forests initiative to children, staff and parents, and did a tree-ID session at the same time.
- Year 4 harvested beetroot...
- ...harvested broad beans...
- ...and put together a vase of flowers from our cut-flower bed.
- Diwrnod prysur iawn i Flwyddyn 6, yn hau hadau ffenigl, chard a mooli, a chynaeafu nionod.
- Year 1 enjoyed harvesting, preparing and sampling our roasted carrots. They proved very popular!
- Plannodd Blwyddyn 5 goeden Nadolig uwchben y buarth chwarae uwch. Gweithion nhw'n annibynnol iawn ac yn llwyddiannus.