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Summer Term 2019
Splish Splash Splosh!
This term our learning context is 'Splish Splash Splosh' The children worked collaboratively, sharing their ideas about what they wanted to learn. They had some amazing ideas such as rivers, lakes and oceans, waterfalls, animals that live in and under the water, Pirates, water parks, and water lilies.

We really enjoyed our second visit to Cefn Onn Park this week. We went in the Autumn and now again in the Spring. It was very different from the last time we went when we needed coats, hats and gloves! We had a long walk and looked and listened for different birds. We also searched for mini beasts and enjoyed identifying our finds on our charts.
We have looked at the Artist Claude Monet. We focused on his famous Water Lilies paintings. We then enjoyed being creative with paints, water, salt and oil based pastels to paint our own Water Lilies.
We had a great day today dressing up as a book character and celebrating Greenway's Book Day. We enjoyed learning about the famous author Roald Dahl and reading his book 'The Enormous Crocodile'. We also visited the Library this week. We were able to borrow books and bring them back to school.

We really enjoyed performing our Class Assembly to a big audience. We talked about some of the things we have learnt about this year. We told the story of 'Gelert' and sang beautifully!

This week we visited Cefn Mably Farm Park. We had a great day feeding the animals, playing in the indoor area and the outdoor park.