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Ysgol Gynradd

GreenWay Primary School

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Year 1 - Blwyddyn 1

Welcome to Year 1
Croeso i Flwyddyn 1


Teacher: Mrs Evans

PPA: Mrs Lavington

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pym and Miss Herron


Fruit / Ffrwyth 
Every morning, the children may buy a whole piece of fruit for £1.50 a week.

They will also receive a cartoon of milk.



 All the children have a Greenway Water Bottle in the class.

They are able to re hydrate throughout the day.


PE Ymarfer Corff


 If you wish your child to wear a kit for PE, please send in a bag with their name clearly labelled. Kits can be left in school and taken home to wash half termly.

Autumn Term

This term we will be exploring the topic


Amazing Me! 

The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn within our topic!

We will be learning about: 

  • Our emotions
  • What makes us happy
  • Our local area
  • Our family and friends
  • How to stay healthy

We were very lucky to have 'Little Angel Theatre' visit for a Reading through Play workshop. We joined in with actions and puppets and made the story fun and exciting. 

We support the Charity 'Children in Need'. 

We have been using our number skills to measure different objects. 

We learnt about 'Remembrance Day'. We made beautiful Poppies. 

We tasted different fruits and sorted them into sweet and sour. 

Kerbcraft visited to help us learn how to safely cross the road. 

We enjoyed the story 'Oliver's Vegetables.'

We compared different vegetables and tasted some that were in the book. 

We put on our wellies and planted trees in our new forest area.

We will enjoy watching the trees grow.

We wonder how tall they will be when we are in Year 6! 

We made a Fruit Smoothie.



Welcome to Year 1
Croeso i Flwyddyn 1

Teacher: Mrs Evans

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pym and Miss Herron

PPA: Mrs Lavington

Fruit / Ffrwyth 
Every morning, the children may buy a whole piece of fruit for £1.50 a week.

They will also receive a cartoon of milk.



We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.


PE Ymarfer Corff


 If you wish your child to wear a kit for PE, please send in a bag with their name clearly labelled. Kits can be left in school and taken home to wash half termly.

Summer Term

This term we will be learning about 'All our Yesterdays'

We will compare houses and homes today and in the past. We will look at how life has changed over the years.


We went around our School to make sure it is clean and tidy.

We found some rubbish and then sorted what could be recycled. 

Spring Term


This term our context for learning is

'Planes, Trains and Automobiles'


We will learn about different modes of transport on land, sea and air.

We will look at how it has changed through the years. 

We did a survey of the different cars in the School car park to find out which is the most popular colour. It seems that White is the favourite! 

We read the book 'Emma Jane's aeroplane'. In the book she travelled all over the world on an adventure. She visited many special Landmarks in cities across the World. She saw Big Ben in London, the Eiffel tower in Paris, the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Opera House in Sydney. 

We used the VR Goggles to look at some of these Landmarks. It was amazing! 

We enjoyed making the puzzle and finding the cities on the World map.

Year 1 have started Welsh Guided Group Reading. Well done to them all!

Mae Blwyddyn 1 wedi dechrau Darllen Grwp yn y Gymraeg. Da iawn iddyn nhw!









Autumn Term


This term we will be exploring the topic


'Out and About'


The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn within our topic.

We will be learning about: 

  • Our School Environment
  • Our local area
  • Different kinds of houses and homes
  • Staying Safe Out and About
  • Road Safety
  • Visit the local shop
  • Visit The Library to borrow books

We tasted different types of fruit and sorted them into sweet and sour. It was surprising how many liked lemon! 

We enjoyed working creatively with Charlotte from Upbeat.

We made Poppies for Remembrance Day. 

We celebrated 'Children in Need' by wearing spotty or Pudsey Bear clothes.  

We have been learning about how some things are done in an order and the words that we use to describe the process.

We wrote recipes and made Hot Chocolate.

It was delicious! 

We visited Rumney Library to look at the books and enjoy some activities.

We were all able to choose a book to bring back to School. 

We enjoyed working in the Hobbit House using our Measuring skills.
