Year 1 - Blwyddyn 1
Welcome to Year 1
Croeso i Flwyddyn 1
Teacher: Mrs Evans
Additional Teacher: Miss Lia
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pym and Mrs Dosso
PPA: Miss Cosh
Fruit / Ffrwyth
Every morning, the children may buy a healthy snack for £1.50 a week. They will also receive a cartoon of milk.
We are trying to reduce the number of bottles we throw away so are encouraging the children to bring a water bottle to school or buy a Greenway one for £1.50, available from the school office. They may fill it at the fresh water fountain. They can keep this in class and re hydrate throughout the day.
PE Ymarfer Corff
Tuesday– indoor
If you wish your child to wear a kit for PE, please send in a bag with their name clearly labelled. Kits can be left in school and taken home to wash half termly.
Summer Term
This term our context for Learning is ......
Splish, Splash, Splosh
Spring term
This term we will be exploring the topic
Our Changing World
The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn about how our World has changed over the years and how it continues to change.
They decided they would like to learn about
- Weather conditions in different countries of the world.
- Comparing the Rainforest to the Arctic.
- Find out which countries have snow.
- Things that melt.
- Endangered animals.
- Looking after our World
- Recycling and the use of plastic
- How toys have changed
- How houses and homes have changed.
We have learnt about Endangered Animals and where in the World they live.
We created fact files and looked at the continents of the World on a map and a globe.
We have been using different items to measure objects. We have used sticks, cubes, blocks and paper clips.
We have also started to use standard units using rulers and measuring sticks to measure in cms.
Be your best day January.MOV
Autumn Term
This term we will be exploring the topic
Amazing Me!
The children have used their pupil voice to make choices about what they would like to learn within our topic!
We will be learning about:
- Our emotions
- What makes us happy
- Our local area
- Our family and friends
- How to stay healthy
The children enjoyed celebrating 'Children in Need' by dressing up in Pudsey or spotty clothes.
The cake sale at the end of the day was a great success. The school raised over £250 for the charity.
We learnt about Online Bullying during Anti- Bullying Week.
We wore odd socks to school to highlight the fact we are all different and unique.
We learnt about 'Remembrance day' and why we wear Poppies in November.
We used natural materials to create family portraits.
We went outside to look for suitable habitats for different living creatures.
We loved reading The Colour Monster!
We used our map skills to create a map of our Garden to help us find the missing Colour Monster.
The Colour Monster!
We wanted to see how tall the Colour Monster could be in our calculation station! We used our counting skills to see which monster was the tallest.
We read the book 'Oliver's Vegetables.' Oliver didn't like vegetables so we decided to try some of the vegetables his Grandad grew in his garden.
We tried Spinach, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas and Beetroot.
We went on a hunt to find what vegetables we grow in our School.
We made observational drawings of different vegetables and we also painted them too!
We read the book 'Oliver's Fruit Salad.
We tasted different fruits like mango, pineapple, kiwi fruit, grapefruit and melon.
We wrote recipes to make a Fruit Smoothie.
We used a blender to make them in class.
They were delicious!
Year 1 have really enjoyed the African Drumming sessions with Upbeat Music this Term.