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Our simplified plans!
- Queue up from 8:30am following all signs to guide you for safety- be patient!
- We will meet you at the school main entrance and show you how to leave the site
- School is from 8:30am until 2:45pm - children need to bring their own lunch
- Children to bring their own snack
- No catering on site
- Nursery is from 8:30am until 11:15am
- Children will be kept in small class groups of about 8 children
- Children to attend same days every week from 29th June until July 17th 2020
- Break times will be safely managed
- Plenty of hand washing will take place and staff will clean throughout the day
- Lots of safe fun in school for everyone- we have it well planned
- Queue up safely at the end of the day- be patient with us
- We will phone you next week to explain more
- If you do not get a call as your number may be incorrect then call the school from Wednesday 24th after 9:30 am
- If you do not send your children, we understand and will ask you to collect work every Thursday between 10am and 12pm from the school main entrance. The work will match what children have done in school as far as possible
- School uniform or own clothes but clean clothes each day please
- We are excited to see you and will post a film about the schools later in the week