Coronavirus update - 16th March
Dear Parent/Carer
In light of the current concern with Covid-19 and in addition to my letter sent home on Friday 13th March, we have decided to cancel after school clubs until further notice. This action will assist our cleaners in having the school cleared quicker so that they can ensure the school maintains the highest standards of cleanliness.
We are also preparing our school website to have additional links to learning that your children could access at home should you wish them to- please visit the websites for your school to find out more:
There will be links to online maths and online reading resources to support learning, not just for use at this challenging time, but through their primary school learning journey. Please make use of these free resources.
Should you not be able to access digital resources at home and be unable to send your child to school, then over the coming week we will be preparing some paper based learning packs that we will arrange to have ready for collection. We will arrange these packs on an individual basis.
Thank you for your understanding.
N Naish